The government of U.S. President Barack Obama has used again for the same-sex marriage. The ban violates the right to equality, they say. Support is calculated by a conservative Hollywood star.
The government asked the U.S. Supreme Court to declare a ban on gay marriage in the state of California to be invalid. The U.S. Justice Department argues that the ban violates the 14th Addition to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees all citizens equality before the law. In a letter to the Supreme Court wrote U.S. President Barack Obama, not the principle of equality before the law could be repealed by voters in a referendum, it is said, according to the news channel CNN.
Obama was referring to a referendum in which the Californians had spoken against the 2008 law already approved marriage of gay and lesbian couples. "Shall not prejudice the basis for different treatment under the law to be," the U.S. broadcaster quoted from the letter.
Gleichhheit before the law
The Supreme Court wants from 26 March clarify whether the equality of same-sex marriage is legal. Moreover, the Supreme Court will of the legal prohibition of the marriage of homosexuals decide on the federal level. Questioning the Law for the Defense of Marriage (DOMA) is from the year 1996.
The law of marriage as a fixed connection between a man and a woman and granted only to married heterosexual couples in areas such as tax benefits, inheritance and health insurance. For this, the Obama administration had about a week ago also stated this was contrary "to the fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution equality" before the law.
The same-sex marriage is illegal in 31 U.S. states
Celebrity support
Obama had called for in the inaugural address of his second term to give all people in the U.S. have the same opportunities. Support of the U.S. President also got from an unexpected corner: Hollywood star Clint Eastwood (82) has joined an initiative of hundreds of members of the U.S. Republicans, who give it all for gay marriage. His name appears on the list of supporters of the document, which filed the initiative with the Supreme Court of the United States.
They argue that it meets the wishes of conservatives, when the state keep out of private affairs. The signatories saw "no legitimate, fact-based justification for differential treatment of same-sex couples."
Touchy subject
The rights of homosexuals are among the most sensitive social issues in the United States. The same-sex marriage is permitted in nine U.S. states and in Washington, DC, in 31 states it is forbidden. In the other states, there is no explicit statutory definition.
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